Hefty ReNew™ Program and Additional Recycling Options

Posted on September 20, 2024

The Hefty ReNew™ Program started in April 2024 and provides an option for hard-to-recycle plastics that were previously unaccepted in the recycling stream. The Hefty ReNew™ Program allows residents to purchase specific orange bags from local retailers and place acceptable materials in these bags. Once the orange bag is full, simply place it in your current co-mingled container at your home or in the co-mingled recycle container at the Recycling and Yard Waste Drop-Off Facility, at the J. David Foell Public Works Center entrance. For additional information about the program, visit Hefty’s website at www.hefty.com/ products/hefty-renew.

Please take larger amounts of broken-down cardboard directly to the cardboard recycling containers at the Recycling and Yard Waste Drop- Off facility located at the front entrance to the J. David Foell Public Works Center, 210 Shafor Boulevard. Yard debris and co-mingled recyclables may also be taken to the Recycling and Yard Waste Drop-Off facility. For a complete listing of recyclable materials, and information on items that are not recyclable, see the Oakwood Refuse Handbook or Rumpke’s web page at rumpke.com/foryourhome/recycling/acceptable-items. Any questions, please contact Refuse Foreman Chris Harold at (937) 298-0777.

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