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In 2008, the city began installing stations throughout the city for disposal of dog waste.  There are currently 15 stations maintained throughout the city for convenient and proper disposal of dog waste.  These stations are heavily used, keeping the waste out of our waterways.  A map of the station locations is available on the city...

The city maintains numerous public lawn areas including parks, gardens and boulevards.  For over 20 years, the city has used an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for maintaining the public grass and landscaped areas.  All city mowers have mulching blades, and city staff sets the mowers at a high cut setting.  Best IPM practices indicate...

In 2017, the city installed a drop-off box for the safe and proper disposal of prescription drugs.  The container is located at the entrance to the city building, 30 Park Avenue, adjacent to the public safety dispatch office.  It is available 24/7.

In 2008, the Oakwood Rotary Club launched a quarterly Hazardous Waste Collection Program.  Four Saturdays each year, volunteer Oakwood Rotarians travel around the city and collect household hazardous materials such as oils, pesticides, paints, batteries, etc., and transport them to the Montgomery County Refuse Transfer Station where they are properly disposed.  Residents call 937-296-5155, a...

The city manages stormwater runoff in several ways. Stormwater Management Utility:  In 2013, Oakwood established a stormwater utility for managing stormwater in compliance with federal and state EPA standards under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). One of the requirements of the NPDES permit involves public education on stormwater matters, education that leads to...

Oakwood residents have three convenient ways to dispose of green waste without adding it to the weekly household trash.  First, for several decades, and in addition to the fall leaf pick-up, the city has operated a year-round green waste collection program.  The program is heavily used for the disposal of brush, branches and all other...

For over 30 years, the city has collected leaves throughout the community each fall, and converted the leaves to yard mulch.  The yard mulch is offered to Oakwood residents each spring.  In 2022, the city picked up over 9,500 cubic yards of leaves, an enormous amount of leaves for a city of just 2.2 square...

Cardboard: About 30 years ago, the city began collecting cardboard for delivery to local cardboard recyclers in two ways. One is through the single stream process where the cardboard is co-mingled with other recyclables (glass, plastics, metal cans, newspaper, etc.) and picked up by the city with the weekly refuse removal.  The second is through...

Over the past several decades, the city of Oakwood has implemented numerous measures to address matters of the environment.  These measures have provided for the betterment of Oakwood and the greater community.

Over the past several decades, the city of Oakwood has implemented numerous measures to address matters of the environment.  These measures have provided for the betterment of Oakwood and the greater community. Visit Oakwood Sustainability for a list and brief description of each measure, as well as a pdf document.

Commemorative plaques pay special tribute to outstanding citizens and organizations alike.

The Oakwood Historical Society, along with Oakwood City Officials, conducted an unveiling ceremony of Oakwood’s first historical marker on Saturday, May 14 in front of the Oakwood City Building, 30 Park Avenue, Oakwood. The first historical marker commemorates the 150th anniversary of when the first Oakwood homes were built in an area near the Oakwood...

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