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Authorized individuals with the Montgomery County Photo & Data Collection Project will be driving around photographing properties in Oakwood for the 2026 Property Reappraisal through the end of this year.  According to the Montgomery County Auditor’s Office: The vehicles will be Toyota RAV4s with cameras mounted on top and magnets indicating that they are with...

The City of Oakwood uses an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) meter system for utility billing.  A small box, called a Meter Interface Unit (MIU), or transmitter, is installed on the interior or exterior of your house or business near your water meter. It is connected to your water meter and transmits a radio signal to...

The City of Oakwood operates its own public water system. We have eight water production wells and three water treatment plants that comply with all Ohio and United States EPA regulations. Our water is tested annually for lead and copper content and results are well below the EPA “Action Levels,” which are 15 parts per...

In the coming weeks, Oakwood residential customers and small businesses participating in the electric aggregation program with Energy Harbor through the Miami Valley Communications Council will receive notices regarding Dynegy's recent acquisition of Energy Harbor. No action is needed in response to this notice. Participants will also receive a letter from AES notifying them that...

Please join us for an evening of holiday cheer! Light refreshments and entertainment will be provided. There will be a Silent Auction to bid on beautifully decorated themed Holiday trees. All proceeds go to the Friends of Smith Gardens and toward the maintenance and care of this community treasure! This event is free and open...

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