Celebrate the end of cold winter months and welcome the beginning of beautiful spring. Some of the first spring flowers are popping in Oakwood! Right now, stop by and visit Loy Gardens on Park Road and you will see the first harbingers of spring along the pathway. The Winter Aconite are blooming as well as the spring crocus. Other wildflowers and bulbs to follow. The bees love these plants as well. As the months go by, there will be other spring bulbs and wildflowers that will appear in the city’s natural areas…. Loy Gardens, Elizabeth Gardens, Houk Stream, Francine’s Garden and Smith Gardens. So check these areas out and visit these beautiful treasures in Oakwood. Please stay on the pathways in these areas as plants are beginning to emerge from the wintery months.
The Winter Aconite are yellow cup-shaped bright yellow flower that have blanketed the wooded area in Loy Gardens. These bulbs have been there for over fifty years plus years and one of the earliest bulbs to bloom in the spring. Also, mixed with the Winter Aconite are the early blooming bluish-purple crocus with yellow centers that are along the pathway. There are more spring plants to come, so visit these areas often.