Over the past two months, Oakwood residential and small business electricity customers have had the option to opt-in to the Miami Valley Communications Council (MVCC) electricity aggregation program. Enrollment can be accomplished by accessing or by calling Energy Harbor at 1-866-636-3749.
November 15, 2023 is the deadline to enroll in the MVCC aggregation program and be guaranteed the same electricity rate as others in the program. The MVCC rate is locked-in through December 2025, and there is no penalty for early cancellation.
Oakwood city leaders chose to offer the opt-in program so that Oakwood customers could make a deliberate choice on their own whether to: 1) join the MVCC aggregation program; 2) stay with the AES standard offer for purchasing electricity; or 3) choose a different supplier altogether.
Customers that are already enrolled in a program offered by another third-party electricity supplier, other than AES, will need to terminate that contract before being eligible to enroll in the MVCC program. Before doing so, those customers should review their contracts to understand if there are penalties or charges for early termination. Also, customers that have solar power installations may not be eligible to enroll in the MVCC program, depending on the terms of their current billing agreement with AES. Call Energy Harbor for more information.
The State of Ohio offers electricity choice. Under Ohio law, electricity customers can purchase their electricity from a number of different suppliers and can select contract terms that best meet their individual needs. For more information, please visit the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio website at: and the Energy Choice Ohio website at:
Robert F. Jacques, City Attorney
(937) 298-0600