Archives: FAQs

Does Oakwood offer a free community shred event?

Yes!  Each fall the City works with a reputable company to provide document destruction services as a free service to Oakwood citizens. Besides paper products, the document destruction company has the capability to destroy microfilm, microfiche, CD Rom diskettes and other material of a secure or confidential nature. All material will be destroyed beyond recognition … Continued

How do I become an Oakwood Public Safety Officer?

Public Safety Officer positions are posted only upon availability of an opening; applications for Public Safety Officer are accepted only during that time. In order to be considered, candidates must have current Ohio Certification and have successfully completed at least twelve (12) months of full-time service AND be currently employed as a police officer, Level … Continued

Is this Yellow Tag left at my home a citation?

No, this is one of the main ways the city communicates with residents when there is a property concern, such as a tree that needs trimming, a yard that needs mowed, a vehicle issue, a sign issue, work being done without a permit, yard debris placed in the street, or any other zoning or property … Continued

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