Sustainability – LED Street Lights
In May 2023, Miami Valley Lighting (MVL), Oakwood’s street light contractor, upgraded the majority of the street lights throughout Oakwood. The citywide project involved replacement of about 500 HPS fixtures, nearly all of the residential street lights in Oakwood. MVL installed LED fixtures that emit light at a color temperature of 2700 degrees Kelvin. These fixtures were specially selected to provide illumination in the warm or soft white range, as opposed to the bright white light often seen with LEDs. LED lights are very energy efficient. Prior to 1998, the vast majority of Oakwood street lights consisted of incandescent bulb fixtures, with some mercury vapor fixtures. In 1998, Dayton Power & Light completed a citywide conversion to High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights. Now, consistent with the street lighting industry, the city is converting to LED fixtures.