Insurance Services Office (ISO)

The Oakwood Public Safety Department is proud to announce that on May 29, 2023, the city received it’s updated ISO (Insurance Services Office) rating. The city’s rating improved from a Class 3 to a Class 2 rating. The classification, known as the Public Protection Classification (PPC) program, assesses the fire-protection efforts and capabilities in a community.

The latest, official City of Oakwood - ISO LETTER is available to download for your insurance documentation.

During the review process, ISO conducts a comprehensive on-site visit in order to collect information on a city’s fire protection program. This occurs in communities throughout the United States. The relevant data is then analyzed using the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS). The rating is based on four factors: a Fire Departments ability to receive and respond to fire alarms; review of the fire department’s equipment, personnel and training; the water supply system; and communication. ISO then reviews and assigns a Public Protection Classification from Class 1 to 10.

Class 1 represents superior property fire protection capability, and Class 10 would indicate the fire suppression program does not meet ISO's minimum criteria. Insurance companies then use this ISO rating for underwriting and calculating premiums for residential, commercial and industrial properties. ISO is the leading supplier of data and analytics for the property/casualty insurance industry.

According to, of the 1,744 Ohio fire departments that have received an ISO class rating, only 114 departments statewide have currently achieved a rating of Class 2 or higher.

“This rating is a testament to the level of and quality of services the Safety Department provides the community,” said Chief Alan Hill of the Oakwood Public Safety Department. “I am proud of the continued efforts and improvements that are made year after year that led to this accomplishment. This new rating places our city inside the top 7% of all communities across the state of Ohio.”

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