Refuse and recycling pick-up for this Thursday will be picked up on Wednesday. Wednesday and Thursday routes will be picked up earlier than usual so ensure all items are ready for collection by 7:30 a.m.

Report an Employee Concern

Citizen Complaint Procedure

It is the policy of the Oakwood Public Safety Department to investigate all complaints of misconduct against any member of the department. All complaints will be promptly processed to ensure the integrity of the Safety Department and its employees.

Complaints are classified as either an allegation of misconduct or an inquiry.  Allegations of misconduct are handled via the formal investigation process.  Formal investigations are initiated by a citizen completing a notarized Employee Complaint Form outlining the nature of the allegation against the employee.  Once the investigation is complete, the Director of Public Safety will notify the reporting party of the investigation findings, generally within 45 days.

Disposition of a formal investigation is classified as one of the following:

  • Unfounded – if the allegation is false.
  • Exonerated – if the alleged act occurred but the action was lawful and proper.
  • Not sustained – if there is insufficient evidence to either prove or disapprove the allegation.
  • Sustained – if the allegation is supported by sufficient evidence and the action violates either criminal or civil law or Departmental rules of conduct and/or established policies and procedures.
  • Withdrawn – if the complainant withdraws the complaint prior to the completion of the investigation and no further action is required.
  • Misconduct not based on complaint – if the investigation reveals sufficient evidence to indicate other infractions not based on the original report.
  • Not involved – if the investigation establishes that the member was not involved in the allegation.

Inquires occur when a citizen contacts the department with a question concerning a policy, procedure, or tactic used by an employee of the department.  Inquires are commonly handled by the employee’s immediate supervisor who will determine if any wrongdoing occurred.  If the employee’s actions are determined to be consistent with departmental policy and procedure, the handling supervisor will take steps to contact the reporting party to explain why the questioned action occurred within established guidelines.  If an inquiry reveals potential employee misconduct, the inquiry will be forwarded to the Administrative Captain to begin the formal investigation process.

To begin the complaint process, please contact the on-duty supervisor at the phone number, or address below:

Oakwood Public Safety Department
30 Park Avenue
Oakwood, Ohio 45419
(937) 298-2122

CAUTION: Ohio Revised Code Section 2921.15 states, “No person shall knowingly file a complaint against a peace officer that alleges that the peace officer engaged in misconduct in the performance of the officer’s duties if the person knows that the allegation is false.” Violation of this law is a first-degree misdemeanor. You should be aware that we do not condone false or groundless complaints and if the charges are fraudulent, the accused employee has the right to pursue a criminal or civil action against you.

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