Engineering & Public Works
210 Shafor Boulevard
Oakwood, OH 45419
Doug Spitler, P.E. - Public Works Director
Doug Spitler directly oversees the Public Works Department. The department includes a refuse foreman, roadway foreman, water production superintendent/water & sewer foreman, assistant water plant superintendent, engineering technician/foreman, department secretary, and 33 public works employees.
Oakwood's Public Works Department provides a broad range of municipal services unparalleled in the state of Ohio. Back door refuse collection, a comprehensive recycling program, special pickups of discarded items and sidewalk snow removal are just a few of the services which fall under this department.
Chris Kuzma P.E. - City Engineer
Chris Kuzma P.E. oversees the quality professional engineering services in managing, operating and improving Oakwood’s infrastructure. This includes developing short-term and long-range capital improvement plans and implementing an annual capital improvement program. Services include project budgeting, design, preparation of construction plans and contract documents, and construction engineering and inspection.