Leaf Mulch

The city of Oakwood's annual leaf mulch program is offered in April each year.

Again this year, citizens have two options for obtaining leaf mulch. For those who want mulch delivered, we offer 3 cubic yards for $100 and 6 cubic yards for $150.

Mulch deliveries will take place on five Saturdays from April 12 to May 10. On the same five Saturdays, residents can obtain free mulch from the Foell Public Works Center at 210 Shafor Blvd. between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., but must haul the material themselves and must provide proof of residency. The free mulch is for Oakwood residents only and no commercial vehicles are permitted.

Please call (937) 298-0777 to place an order.

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