
Oakwood collects recyclables using scooters with divided dump beds – one side for regular trash and the other side for recyclables. Plastics, glass, paper, metal cans, and cardboard as described above in Acceptable Recycling Materials are to be co-mingled loosely in one or more containers marked as recyclables. All items should be clean and free of food and grease. Please make sure that co-mingled recyclable products are placed loosely in the properly marked container. The items should not be placed in plastic bags (except orange bags through the Hefty ReNew™ Program).  Free “Recyclables” stickers to mark containers are available at City Hall, in the lobby of the J. David Foell Public Works Center or the Oakwood Community Center.

Starting in April 2024, the Hefty ReNew™ Program provides an option for hard-to-recycle plastics that were previously unaccepted in the recycling stream. The Hefty ReNew™ Program allows residents to purchase specific orange bags from local retailers and place acceptable materials in these bags. Once the orange bag is full, simply place it in your current co-mingled container at your home or in the co-mingled recycle container at the Recycling and Yard Waste Drop-Off Facility, at the entrance to the J. David Foell Public Works Center.

It is increasingly important that our co-mingled recycling stream contains only recyclable materials. In years past, the guidance was: “when in doubt, throw it in the recycling container”. The guidance is now: “learn what is recyclable and what is not, but when in doubt, throw it in the regular trash”. The success of recycling and the recycling markets is largely dependent on the quality of the recycling  stream.

Need more information on recycling in Montgomery County? The following websites may be helpful:

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